On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 17:34 -0600, Roger Hicks wrote:
> You seem to be missing the point here. This is not a matter of what is
> true and what is false. In this case, because of the way the rule is
> worded, there are two possible ways to interpret the rule. Both are
> equally viable ways to interpret this rule. Agora benefits from having
> a consensus on how the rule is interpreted. Without such a consensus
> why bother playing a game together? we could all just interpret the
> rules however we liked, and all have our own little 'perfect' version
> of Agora without other people to mess it up, right?
> In such a case it falls to the judge's opinion to determine which of
> the equally viable ways to interpret the rule should govern. That is
> what I have done in this case.

Last time the issue came up, there was a huge argument (because it was
connected with a scam, IIRC); instead of a simple "the rule is
ambiguous", there was a large discussion with something like 5 or 6
possibilities discussed, and an analysis of which ones were and weren't
consistent with the rules as a whole. I think it's rare to get a true
ambiguity in the rules that requires R217 to resolve.


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