2009/9/17 Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Roger Hicks <pidge...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 17:50, Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> ===================  CFJ 2677 (Interest Index = 2)  ====================
>>>>     The cards named in the above message were destroyed due to
>>>>     C-walker's self-auditing.
>>>> ========================================================================
>>>> Gratuitous Arguments by c-walker:
>>>> ["the CFJ" is CFJ 2678]
>>>> I argue for UNTETERMINED; see arguments accopanying the CFJ in my next
>>>> message.
>>>> ========================================================================
>>>> Gratuitous Arguments by Tiger:
>>>> d...@nomic.net has been used in the past when random results were
>>>> needed, though before this situation it has always been a recordkeepor
>>>> with some authority who has said "I destroy these assets, see the dice
>>>> results for proof that they are randomly chosen". In this situation
>>>> there is noone to perform the destructions as it happens platonically,
>>>> so I say that the first message from an accepted source of randomness
>>>> (here d...@nomic.net) should count as determining what happened.
>>>> ========================================================================
>>>> Gratuitous Arguments by G.:
>>>> In legal language (and the current situation) we're talking about
>>>> making a decision under "uncertainty" in what is.  There are a lot of
>>>> laws dealing with "decisionmaking when the true state of affairs is
>>>> unknown but statistically measured".  I think "randomness" in a legal
>>>> sense is associated with "arbitrary and capricious" decisions which
>>>> are in fact bad.  For example, imaging a judge saying "both parents
>>>> had an equally good case for child custody, so I'm flipping a coin."
>>>> Though I suppose it may have come up if a judge were working with a
>>>> contract that involved gambling or something.
>>>> ========================================================================
>>> It appears that there are two possible meanings for "random", granted
>>> equal weight under Rule 754(3): the mathematical and the legal.
>>> The caller argues for the mathematical definition, which would make the
>>> determination of cards unknowable not just in practice (unreasonable
>>> effort) but even in principle. This is obviously undesirable.
>>> In legal contexts, "random" apparently (see quoted arguments from G. in
>>> a-d) has a meaning closer to "arbitrary". Under this interpretation of
>>> the rule, any means whatsoever of selecting the cards fulfills the
>>> requirements of the Rule. This is also somewhat undesirable, as it
>>> grants rather more power to whoever performs an Audit than was probably
>>> intended, but I believe that it is preferable to the alternative.
>>> Therefore, I judge that, for the best interests of the game, the legal
>>> meaning of "random" trumps its mathematical meaning, and the first
>>> message to purport a specific possible outcome for a given random event
>>> is automatically, retroactively correct, regardless of how the outcome
>>> was selected.
>>> TRUE.
>> Based on this judgment I deny all CoEs against the most recently
>> published Insulator's Justice report and Anarchist's Change report.
>> Both reports were completely accurate. Furthermore I argue for NOT
>> GUILTY in related criminal CFJs brought against me.
>> BobTHJ
> CoE: Both the Insulator and Anarchist reports mentioned are incorrect
> as c-walker possesses some cards from at least one of those decks (I
> have verified from Tiger's report of which cards were destroyed that
> at least one of eir Change or Justice cards was not destroyed. It's
> not my duty to figure out which. Your argument for NOT GUILTY is
> invalid due to this point.
> -coppro
Erm, my report doesn't say anything about that directly, it only says
which government cards were destroyed. However, I thought I was clear
enough in my response to the d...@nomic roll. Here it is again:

Committee, 3 Roll Call, 2 Distrib-u-Matic, Debate-o-matic, Kill bill,
Arm-Twist, Local Election, Your Turn, On
the Nod were destroyed. This left em with 3 Roll Call, Your Turn and
Drop Your Weapon. E played both Your Turn and Drop Your Weapon in the
same message, so BobTHJ's reports were technically correct in that e
didn't have any Change or Justice cards.

Please include this as gratuitous or evidence in any relevant criminal case.


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