2009/8/26 Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com>:
> Following http://theglen.livejournal.com/16735.html of course.

Which followed http://skippyslist.com/list/.

> 1. I will not change my nickname to nkep.
> 2. Before I create a new contract, I will ask myself, "Will this end up
>   causing massive platonic recalculation *again*?"
> 3. I will not reenact any historical scam that resulted in three or more
>   enraged deregistrations.
> 4. I will stop trying to summon the Great Old Ones.
> 5. I will read both sentences of R217 before invoking it.
> 6. I will try to leave at least one registration per year unCFJed.
> ...and I'm out of ideas, unless we're going to include things that we
> actually changed the rules for. Nomic is like that.

7. I will not register 100 partnerships with the same basis in one message.

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