2009/8/25 Roger Hicks <pidge...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 14:29, Jonatan Kilhamn<jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I IBA-deposit four 7 crops.
>> I IBA-withdraw two 6 crops, two 5 crops and one 4 crop.
>> I harvest proposals 6450 and 6457 for points.
> I think you may have forgotten that you get diminishing returns on
> IBA-Deposits after 3. Most of your deposits have netted you next to no
> return.
> BobTHJ
I knew I got diminishing returns, but not that much so. Well, I wasn't
really using those crops anyway, but I'll think about it next time.


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