Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> Ok, so you get office salary as described by this paragraph:
> At the beginning of each
>       week, each holder of an office earns a number of draws from the
>       deck indicated by the switch equal to the interest index for
>       that office.
> But what if you hold two offices? With the old system you only got
> salary equal to the highest II, but now that seems changed. And yet
> last week Murphy only got 3 cards "for his service as CotC and
> assessor", with IIs of 3 and 2 respectively. What's going on here?
The rule changed this week; you will have to use the older version of
the rule to determine current salaries owed (specifically, an officer
will get salary = II if e completed the duties and the office has a
weekly report).


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