Taral wrote: > On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Pavitra<celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote: >> A player CAN play N Distrib-u-Matics to make an II(N-1) Undistributable >> proposal Distributable. E thereby becomes the proposal's sponsor. When a >> proposal becomes Undistributable, it ceases to have a sponsor. > > Requires too many. How about making people discard II-1 (if II > 1) > cards instead?
I don't really like the high card churn/turnover in either of these. What we really need to do is adjust the first paragraph of R2261: When a proposal authored by a player is adopted and takes effect, that player earns a number of draws from the Change Deck equal to the Interest Index of the proposal. Perhaps this should be increased to II+1 or II+2? II+1 would cause disinterested proposals to break even after a delay in which the proposer was down a card, which sounds about right to me.