On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 16:59, Roger Hicks<pidge...@gmail.com> wrote: > nomic.bob-space.com is down (well, on error since I'm too lazy to > display a proper "site down" message - some features may still work) > while I make some significant changes to the database in preparation > for some new features. I hope to have it up again within the next 24 > hours. > nomic.bob-space.com is back up and running. All reports at http://nomic.bob-space.com/agoralog.aspx are functional, though several of the text reports at agorareport.aspx will generate errors still (I'll get to these tomorrow).
New Feature: You can now specify a "past" variable in the URL Querystring and supply it with a date (any time from July 10th on) and time (the format of MM/dd/YY hh:mm works, but most other common formats should also work). The system will roll-back all actions to that date and display a snapshot of the gamestate as of that date. Note that this is an experimental feature still very much in beta. The code is nowhere near optimized, so looking at dates more than a week or so in the past may cause significant page-load times. You also may encounter ASP.NET exceptions or errors in the displayed data. Please report anything you notice so I can fix it. Example URL: http://nomic.bob-space.com/agoralog.aspx?contract=Scorekeepor&past=07/31/09 03:00 BobTHJ