On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Ed Murphy wrote:
> ehird wrote:
>> On Tuesday, August 11, 2009, Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Elliott Hird wrote:
>>>> What is the Bill of Attainder proposal's purpose?
>>> To get angry at me for my attempted Grand Poobah scam.
>> Classy.
> When you try to scam an office, you should expect reprisals, esp.
> with the Poobah's high ratio of privilege to duty.  

Yeah, but that's how the Rest penalty is more or less balanced; to do 
a massive win manipulation that resets everyone's caste earns the rests 
to get you a ways (or without mitigating circumstances) all the way out 
the door.  Maybe add to that removal from one office but all of them...
about as classy as throwing a fit of pique and abandoning a case..er..
Anyway, (1) I'm surprised officeholding hasn't been made secured-2,
seems like it should be and (2) if this went through would it count as
a r101 penalty and block rests?  (or vice versa).  

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