On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, Roger Hicks wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 15:42, Warrigal<ihope12...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I register.
>> I deregister.
> Problem: The Insulator, Grand Poobah, and Anarchist are all obligated
> to deal Warrigal two cards but are unable to do so because cards can
> only be created in the possession of a player or contest. 

[Rule 2253]
      The dealer for a deck CAN, by announcement:
       * create a card that is part of that deck in the possession of
         any entity;

So they CAN be created, and then because of
      Ownership of cards is restricted to players and

they instantly go to Lost&Found.  Problem solved!  (Maybe. it's not
wholly clear that's how R2166's "CANNOT be gained...and is transferred" 
would work).


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