Edmond Dantes wrote:

> I register.

Hi, do you have a preferred nickname?

> I have no idea what's going on.

Here's a copy of the greeting I sent JonnyRotten earlier today:

> Welcome to the Agoran community!  http://agoranomic.org/ offers a
> good set of initial pointers, here are a few additions/corrections:
>   * By social convention, all your actions should be performed in
>     agora-business, unless you're an officer (in which case your
>     reports and other duties go to agora-official) or the main lists
>     malfunction (in which case use one or both backup lists).
>     a-o and a-b redirect replies to agora-discussion by default,
>     remember to change this if your reply contains any actions.
>   * Serving as an officer is voluntary (you must accept your nomination
>     unless you're the incumbent), likewise serving as a judge (you must
>     change your posture away from supine).
>     You can get a proposal (typically including one or more rule
>     changes) distributed (to be voted on) by playing a Distrib-u-Matic
>     card, or Without Objection (typically reserved for obviously-needed
>     bug fixes).  If your proposal would touch any rules with Power > 1,
>     then you should request an Adoption Index at least as high as the
>     highest such value.  Proposals with AI >= 2 are Democratic
>     (basically one vote per player), others are Ordinary by default
>     (voting power depends on caste and can be further altered on a
>     per-proposal basis).  Rule 2152 specifies words to declare something
>     impossible, possible-but-penalized, or formally-discouraged.
>   * Large portions of gameplay are regulated by voluntary contracts.
>     Large portions of the economy are tracked near-real-time at
>     http://nomic.bob-space.com/agoralog.aspx (whereas reports sent
>     to the mailing lists are typically weekly at best).
>   * http://zenith.homelinux.net/acronyms/ explains many abbreviations.
>   * There are several ways to win; the game keeps going, with only a
>     directly-relevant portion of the gamestate being reset.
> Please let us know what additional questions you have.

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