2009/8/1 ais523 <callforjudgem...@yahoo.co.uk>:
> Heh, it was more complicated than that. The 'subcabal' containing me and
> Sgeo was actually legitimate, in that we were planning genuine scams
> there (some of which we have to try sometime; I don't think any of them
> were actually attempted). We disguised it as a secret cabal from the
> other cabal in order to muddy the waters further; I think I was the only
> person who actually knew what was going on. (Cue the mentions that there
> was a third cabal I had no idea about...) However, it was involved with
> a different scam from the Cygnus scam, which for some reason was never
> attempted (but IIRC still works, I might try it sometime).

Haha, goddammit.

> There were a couple of entirely fake cabals too, in particular ##a-cow
> (which was never particularly important, but which gave its /name/ to
> various other channels later, notably #really-a-cow that was a public
> forum for a while). Pretty much everyone who ended up in ##a-cow
> concluded that it was fake, although not everyone realised it was a
> decoy for something else.

I liked the part where I talked about how we had tons of
dictatorship-giving scams at the ready in ##nomic, thinking it was

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