On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Sean Hunt<ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I disagree. The first is not fatal to the contract. The zm exchange
> mechanism, while diminished in usefulness without an offer system, is
> still useful. I would have used it today with my AAA crops were it not
> for the fact that a report had not been published.

Suggestion: add a new currency to the AAA, and have a built-in crop
exchange.  This would eliminate the problem of different recordkeepors
for the crops and the currency the holdings of which their transfer is
dependent.  I'd be for limiting ownership of crops/lands/wrvs to
Farmers again and not allowing banks to become farmers; to exchange
for non-AAA currencies if that becomes desirable, the exchange's
currency could be traded by another bank.

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