On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 22:19, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> [BobTHJ and coppro, your opinion on this sequence and logic is very welcome]
> [Also, this is a little odd at bootup, but I think more normal afterwards]
> The list of champion awards since March 1 (eldest to youngest) is as follows:
> 1. ais523
> 2. G.
> 3. OscarMeyr
> 4. ais523
> 5. root
> 6. coppro
> 7. c.
> 8. Wooble
> 9. Tiger
> 10. Murphy
> 11. coppro
> 12. c.
> 13. ais523
> 14. ais523
> 15. Wooble
> 16. c.
> 17. Tiger
> When Cards was adopted, the "last 5 active" list was Tiger, c., Wooble, 
> ais523,
> and coppro.  Who was added to that top 5 list longest ago (and been on
> continuously since then)?
> When Tiger won (#17), there were 5 others before em, so e is youngest on list.
> When c. won (#16), one of the last 5 was emself (#12), which means e was on 
> the
> list continuously since #12.  When e won at #12, one of the last 5 was emself,
> so e's been on the list continuously since #7.  At win #7, there were five
> others before em, so that's when e was added.
> When Wooble won (#15) there were 5 others before em.
> When ais523 won (#13-14) there were 5 others before em.
> When coppro won (#11) one of the last 5 was emself (#6) which means e was on
> the list continuously since #6.  At win #6, there were 5 others before em,
> so that's when e was added.
> So when cards were adopted, it was:
> coppro (#6) Speaker
> c.     (#7)
> ais523 (#13)
> Wooble (#15)
> Tiger  (#17)
> This assumes none of the above went on hold in that time.  I don't remember
> it though they've all been pretty continuously active.
> Since then:
> Wooble went off the list then back on by going on hold and then off.
> That put em back on the bottom of the list (#18).
> c. went on hold.  That adds Murphy to the list (#19).
> Current List
> coppro (#6) Speaker
> ais523 (#13)
> Tiger  (#17)
> Wooble (#18)
> Murphy (#19)
> though when c. comes back off hold (assuming no other wins meantime) e
> will remove Murphy.
> -G.
Thinking about how to automate this is giving me a headache. Your
logic seems sound however (apart from coppro's addition)


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