2009/6/29 Craig Daniel <teu...@pobox.com>:
>> music-currency [which can only mean Notes, in this context] to .kreig.
>> [which is the Lojban form of my real name, and the name by which I am
>> known in the Lojban community], who is .tefkros. [my preferred
>> Lojbanization of "teucer", based on the original Greek form of said
>> name, which is Феэкспт]. Parties cannot leave the contract."
> Observation: I could have sworn that when I sent out the e-mail that
> is the evidence, I specified the Greek form correctly, using Greek
> characters which transliterate as "Teukros." However, I see the above
> as instead containing Cyrillic characters which transliterate as
> "Fyeekspt," which is of course not my name.
> Did this munging happen before or after the evidence reached the
> forum? Is this reproduction of said evidence erroneous?
>  - teucer, aka .kreig., aka .tefkros., aka Fyeekspt

Your original message arrived with it in Greek.

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