Yally wrote:

>       Any player CAN, by announcement, initiate an election for a
>       specified elected office that is vacant, or for which no
>       election has been initiated in the preceding 90 days, or at any
>       time if e is the IADoP for which no election is already in
>       progress.  Any player CAN, with 4 Supporters, initiate an
>       election for a specified elected office for which no election is
>       already in progress.

Broken grammar.  I suggest:

      A player CAN initiate an election for a specified elected office
      for which no election is already in progress

        a) by announcement, if e is the IADoP, or the office is vacant,
           or no election has been initiated for the office within 90
           days before the announcement;

        b) with 4 Supporters, otherwise.

(This also uses relative rather than absolute days.)

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