2009/6/15 Geoffrey Spear <geoffsp...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Jonatan
> Kilhamn<jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Note to Conductor: this probably means that my attempt to spend 3
>>> notes to make this undistributable failed.
>> What intent is e talking about here? As far as I can see, the proposal
>> was published, made distributable through support, appeared in the
>> pool report, and then you tried to make it undistributable. Have I
>> missed something?
> The intent was posted as intent to make every proposal in the pool
> distributable.  If this proposal wasn't in the pool at the time the
> intent was posted, it didn't include the intent to make this one
> distributable.  (I haven't investigated whether it was made
> distributable by other means, and it's entirely possible all of the
> alleged flips failed; I'm trying to figure out now what I definitely
> MAY distribute and what's covered by the CFJ.)
As far as I can see, the flips I covered in my previous post are all
that matters. Between the time it was published and the time it was
made undistributable, it was made distributable at least once, through
support. If it was also included in the intent to make all proposals
distributable doesn't matter. Then it was made undistributable through
spending, and distributable again through spending.


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