I think that if we retire Notes, we should retire Rests too. As it stands, Rests are the only punishment Agora has to offer for any infraction whatsoever, which is pretty bad. Consider:
Distributability is a mess and has significantly removed the attractiveness of submitting proposals. It is an oversolution to the problem of bad proposals getting into the system. Judges are, to some extent, encouraged to provide bad judgments. In particular, judges in theory should attempt to get their case REMANDed so that they can judge again and earn more salary (the current Cards proto doesn't solve this). Even barring that, judges are still not at all encouraged to provide reasoning for their judgments (ehird and Rodlen in particular seem to be major culprits here). The punishments for breaking rules are not only disproportionate to the penalties, but also completely out of proportion in general. Example: As Tailor, I could publish "No one has any Ribbons." as my report. This would, if left undoubted, destroy all Ribbons one week later, and the penalty for such is one measly Rest. I would like to work to unify the new Cards proposal with penalties by adding penal cards which can be played on players to restrict their actions. These cards could be dealt normally and played on players as weapons, or else awarded by rules as penalties. Further to this, we could also make special reward cards that act similarly - each win condition could grant the Champion a special card effect. These card effects would last for a certain time (one week, maybe), and then would cease to occur. I think that penalties for proposals should be awarded based on getting heavyhanded rejection of proposals (VI < 0.5), with one "free" proposal each week to avoid stifling players like distributability does. This also allows higher-clout players a higher degree of safety. Bad judges should be penalizable at the option of the appeals panel. I don't know what the penalties should be, as this is a very invasive change, but I think it needs to be done.