On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Aaron Goldfein wrote: > Gratuitous: CFJ 2517 General difference with this CFJ is (a) that dependent action intents are more stringent then actions generally but also (b) at the very least, it isn't possible to accurately announce an intent and specify a proposal to make distributable if the proposal doesn't yet exist [a permutation of CFJ 2316]. -G.
- DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Roger Hicks
- DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Paul VanKoughnett
- Re: DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Sean Hunt
- DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Kerim Aydin
- DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Kerim Aydin
- DIS: Re: BUS: enough already Kerim Aydin