On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Geoffrey Spear<geoffsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Disclaimer: The text of proposals below may or may not be correct.
> I've had to guess what each person submitting a proposal intended to
> type into their email client when submitting a message. It's entirely
> possible this entire distribution is ineffective.
> This distribution of proposals 6344-6354 initiates the Agoran
> Decisions on whether to adopt them. The eligible voters for ordinary
> proposals are the active players, the eligible voters for democratic
> proposals are the active first-class players, and the vote collector
> is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR, AGAINST,
> and PRESENT.
> 6344 O 1 1.0 BobTHJ Nicked Off
AGAINST - That definition of Mentally Assaulting an Officer is useless
> 6345 D 2 3.0 Pavitra Time travel
FOR, unless there's reason to believe that this can hurt Agora.
> 6346 O 2 1.0 coppro Ribbon oops
> 6347 O 0 1.0 coppro Ribbon cleanup
> 6348 O 1 1.0 coppro B Friends
FOR, although tbh I preferred the old B.
> 6349 D 1 2.0 Pavitra Newbie Friendly
> 6350 O 1 1.7 coppro <none>
AGAINST - What if there's eventually a real conflict with rules that
for some reason, mention woodchucks?
> 6351 D 2 2.0 C-walker <none>
> 6352 O 0 1.0 Murphy Begin at the beginning
> 6353 D 1 2.0 Murphy s/object/either
> 6354 D 1 2.0 ais523 Sensible Rest destruction
AGAINST -- It's probably my imagination, but I think that could be
interpreted to mean that once those conditions come about, anyone can
destroy any rests..