Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> 2009/6/2 Sgeo <>:
>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:23 PM, Benjamin Caplan
>> <> wrote:
>>> I submit the following proposal, "Newbie Friendly", II=1, AI=2:
>>> {
>>> Amend Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) by replacing the text
>>>      A first-class person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
>>>      prevented by the rules) register by announcing that e registers,
>>>      wishes to register, requests registration, or requests
>>>      permission to register.
>>> with
>>>      A first-class person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
>>>      prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that
>>>      indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
>>>      intends to become a player.
>>> }
>>> I intend, with Three Support, to make the above proposal Distributable.
>> I support.
> I support and do so.
I think this fails, as there are only two Supporters.

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