Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> Sean Hunt wrote:
>> I submit the following proto-proposal, entitled {Constitutional
>> Anarchy}. Its adoption index is 3, its interest index is 3.
> What's the ultimate goal of all this?
>>       The rights and freedoms granted by this rule do not create allow
>>       any actions to be taken, even if those actions would be necessary
> "create allow" is surely a mistake. Perhaps "create the possibility
> for"? Or did you mean "create the possibility for or legality of"?

Create is a mistake, just strike it.

>>                                 Each Rights Board contains one or more
>>       biological players (its members).
> You're duplicating code from the definition of first-class persons, and
> also dropping some useful text from there. Better all round just to say
> "one or more first-class players".

I'm hesitant to make the highest-power rule in the game rely on a
lower-power one.

>>       to prevent future violations of the same nature from occuring in
> occurring
>>       A proposal submitted as part of a judgment for a qestion of remedy
> question
> I haven't looked carefully to see how much duplication/integration this
> has with the judicial system in general.
> All round... I dunno. What's the point?

To make rights actually mean something.

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