On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 12:59 PM, comex <com...@gmail.com> wrote:
> authored proposals: count
More stats: (these from the Assessor DB, so only proposals since ~5822 count)

authored proposals (passed): count
who         num
OscarMeyr   1
<none>      1
cdm014      1
avpx        2
ehird       2
Elysion     4
Sgeo        4
BobTHJ      4
ihope       4
Quazie      6
Tiger       6
woggle      6
Yally       7
Taral       9
coppro      9
Pavitra     9
root        15
Wooble      18
comex       26
Goethe      35
ais523      40
Murphy      142
total       351

authored proposals: % passed
who               num  avg
Bayes             20   0.2
ihope             19   0.368
ehird             10   0.4
Quazie            36   0.472
Sgeo              12   0.5
comex             86   0.523
Tiger             22   0.545
coppro            36   0.611
Elysion           8    0.625
Yally             20   0.65
Pavitra           18   0.666
Wooble            39   0.666
ais523            73   0.684
BobTHJ            15   0.733
Goethe            54   0.814
root              22   0.863
Murphy            200  0.88
woggle            11   0.909
Taral             14   0.928

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