============================ Appeal 2500a
Panelist: Quazie
Panelist: Tiger
Panelist: ais523
Appeal initiated: 05 May 2009 18:57:42 GMT
Assigned to Quazie (panelist): (as of this message)
Assigned to Tiger (panelist): (as of this message)
Assigned to ais523 (panelist): (as of this message)
Appellant comex's Arguments:
Intend to appeal, see judge's arguments
Appellant Goethe's Arguments:
I intend to call for appeal of this judgement with 2 support.
It neglects that (for power-3 rules at least) the "natural"
of a day's span has precedence over the power-2 "Agoran day"
in R1023, as required by R754(2).
Further, this judgement neglects a substantial history of the use
of the
term "day" when not written as "Agoran Days." On this historical
it was thought that the third paragraph of the following text was
evident enough to be part of common definitions and be removed to be
simply and easily defined as precedent or as part of common usage due
to the ordinary-language interpretation of a span of time:
Rule 459/5 (Power=1)
Agoran Epochs
Days, weeks, months, quarters, and years are epochs. The
corresponding Agoran epochs are Agoran days, Agoran weeks,
Agoran months, Agoran quarters, and Agoran years, respectively.
Agoran days begin at midnight GMT. Agoran weeks begin at
midnight GMT on Monday. Agoran months begin at midnight GMT on
the first day of each Gregorian month. Agoran quarters begin
when the Agoran months of January, April, July, and October
begin. Agoran years begin when the Agoran month of January
begins. An Agoran epoch lasts until the next Agoran epoch of
the same type begins.
Except in this Rule, when the Rules refer to an epoch as an
independent entity (e.g. "each month"), they shall be
interpreted as referring to the corresponding Agoran epoch.
However, when the Rules refer to an epoch as a relative duration
(e.g. "one month after", "within one month", "for one month"),
they shall be interpreted as referring to the ordinary-language
meaning of that duration.
Automatic events that happen daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,
or yearly happen at the beginning of the corresponding Agoran
epoch. Any activity that must be performed daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, or yearly must be performed at least once
during each corresponding Agoran epoch.
Other Rules may explicitly define alternate schedules for events
or classes of events.
Appellant ais523's Arguments:
[initiated without specifying whether it was based on comex's or
Goethe's intent; if neither due to ambiguity, then Murphy initiated
based on Goethe's intent at 19:06:23 UTC]
============================== CFJ 2500
A player who does not deregister in the interval becomes a
Senator exactly 1440 (60 * 24) hours after e registers.
Caller: Wooble
Judge: Arnold Bros (est. 1905)
Judgement: FALSE
Appeal: 2500a
Decision: (pending)
Called by Wooble: 05 May 2009 17:44:55 GMT
Assigned to Arnold Bros (est. 1905): 05 May 2009 18:08:04 GMT
Judged FALSE by Arnold Bros (est. 1905):
05 May 2009 18:22:25 GMT
Appealed by comex: 05 May 2009 18:33:14 GMT
Appealed by Goethe: 05 May 2009 18:43:05 GMT
Appealed by Murphy: 05 May 2009 18:52:21 GMT
Appealed by Quazie: 05 May 2009 18:55:53 GMT
Appealed by ais523: 05 May 2009 18:57:42 GMT
Appeal 2500a: 05 May 2009 18:57:42 GMT
Caller's Arguments:
The Registrar's reports, going back to at least November of 2007,
an exact time at which various players became or would become a
Senator, this time being the second that occurs exactly 60*24 hours
after the time each player registered. However, Agoran days begin at
midnight and R2177 requires that a player be continuously registered
for the preceding 60 days. This seems to imply to me that a player
who registered at noon on 1 January would become a Senator at the
beginning of 3 March rather than at noon on 2 March.
Similarly, ASAP deadlines have been taken to expire at the same time
they began 7 days later, but reading as within 7 Agoran days which
begin at midnight, they'd expire at the end of the 7th day.
Caller's Evidence:
A Senator is any first-class player who has been registered
continuously for the immediately preceding sixty days.
(a) The phrases "in a timely fashion" and "as soon as possible"
mean "within seven days".
(1) Agoran days begin at midnight UTC.
Judge Arnold Bros (est. 1905)'s Arguments:
FALSE; see caller's arguments