Quazie wrote:

>       a) Default Officehater.  If the Default Officehater is the
> holder of an office, then that office is considered vacant.  The
> Default Officehater can not perform the duties of any office.

Meaning anyone can deputise for it by announcement.

>       b) Justiciarless.  If the Justiciarless is the judge of any open
> case then that case is immediately assigned a judgement of

Meaning it will probably be appealed.  Ineffective if the case is a
criminal or equity case.

>       c) Wielder of Un-Veto.  The Wielder of Un-Veto CAN un-veto an ordinary
>          decision in its voting period by announcement; this decreases
>          its Adoption Index by 1.

Meaning it will generally fail even if adopted, due to insufficient
power, unless Vetoed (generally by the same player).

>       d) Wielder of RubberStump.  The Wielder of RubberStump CAN
>          RubberStump a non-democratic decision in its voting period by
>          announcement; this increases its quorum by 3, rules to the
>          contrary notwithstanding.

Vaguely veto-like.

>       e) Wielder of Less Votes.  The Wielder of Less Votes at the
>          start of an ordinary proposal's voting period has a voting
>          limit on that proposal of .5 times what it would be
>          otherwise (rounded to the nearest integer, breaking ties
>          toward even integers), rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

No effect unless the voting period starts on the 13th.

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