Hmm... Isn't just two notes too little? But then again, just having a
lower quorum does not help passing a proposal that people are opposed
to, so maybe not.

2009/5/13 Quazie <>:
> I submit the following proposal entitled "Voting 3rds"  AI = 2
> <proposal>
> Append the following on to R2126 after the paragaph that begins with "(9)"
> (10) A player may spend two notes forming a major third to increase
> Quorum on an agoran decision whose voting period is in progress by 1.
> (11) A player may spend two notes forming a minor third to decrease
> Quorum on an agoran decision whose voting period is in progress by 1.
> [gives us a way to either rubberstamp as a group or anti-rubberstamp]
> </proposal>


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