Second draft.  I'll start the process of making this an actual
contract in a couple days if there are no further comments.

1. This is a public contract called Red November.  This contract is
   intended to be a contest.  The contestmaster CAN add axes to this
   contract by announcement.  The contestmaster CAN by annonuncement
   remove any axis along which this contest neither awards nor
   revokes points.

2. A contestant to this contract who is currently involved in an
   ongoing game is known as a gnome.  Within this contract, the phrase
   "on the double" means "within 48 hours".

3. Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.  Any contestant
   who is not a gnome CAN leave this contract by announcement.

4. Whenever this contract is a contest, no game is ongoing, and this
   contract has at least three contestants, the contestmaster CAN
   start a new game.

5. To start a new game, the contestmaster selects three to eight
   contestants, randomly assigns each a starting location within the
   experimental gnomish submarine BFGS Red November, and awards two
   randomly drawn starting items to each.  E then announces each
   gnome's location, as well as the time remaining to each gnome (as
   laid out on the game board, see appendices).  This announcement
   begins a game.

6. When the contestmaster awards a randomly drawn item to a gnome, e
   SHALL inform the gnome of the identity of the item on the double.
   The contestmaster SHALL NOT reveal any gnome's inventory to anyone
   except as required by this contract.

7. Each gnome has an intoxication level, an integer from 0 to 4,
   inclusive.  All gnomes begin the game at 0 intoxication.  Each time
   a gnome uses a grog item, eir intoxication increases by one, to a
   maximum of 4.  Each time a gnome uses a coffee item, eir
   intoxication decreases by two, to a minimum of 0.

8. The heat, pressure, and asphyxiation disaster tracks are integers
   from 1 to 10, inclusive, starting the game at 1.  These tracks can
   be advanced by events drawn throughout the game.  If any of these
   tracks reaches 10, the game is over, as described later.  When one
   of these tracks is reset, if the value is in the range 1-5, it is
   set to 1; if in the range 6-9, it is set to 5.

9. Any gnome with more than zero minutes remaining CAN take a turn by
   announcement, provided that all turns previously taken in the same
   game have been fully resolved by the contestmaster.  A turn
   consists of a sequence of movement, followed by one action.  A
   gnome can also use items at any point in eir turn; once used, an
   item is lost.  Any time spent as required by this contract in the
   course of a turn is deducted from the gnome's remaining time.  A
   gnome cannot spend more time in a turn than e has remaining.  If a
   gnome announces a turn that is in any way invalid or incomplete,
   then the turn is entirely without effect.

10. A gnome's sequence of movement consists of zero or more iterations
    of the following steps:

    a. Spend one minute to open an unblocked hatch attached to the
       room the gnome is in.

    b. If one of the rooms connected by the open hatch is at high
       water, and the other has no water, then water equalizes between
       the two rooms; both become at low water.  If the room that had
       no water was on fire, the fire is extinguished.

    c. Optionally enter a room or exit the sub through the opened
       hatch.  To exit the sub, or to enter a room at low water, one
       minute must be spent.  Additionally, to exit the sub the gnome
       must have used an aqualung in the current turn.  Rooms at high
       water cannot be entered.  A room that is on fire can be entered
       only if the gnome has used a grog or fire extinguisher item in
       the current turn.

    d. The hatch automatically closes.

11. The action taken by a gnome during a turn must be one of the

    a. Unblock a blocked hatch connected to the room.

    b. Extinguish a fire in the room.

    c. Pump low water out of the room.

    d. In room 1, fix the engine.  If successful, this resets the
       pressure disaster track and prevents all "Crushed!" timed
       destruction events at the gnome's current time or later.

    e. In room 2, fix the oxygen pumps.  If successful, this resets
       the asphyxiation disaster track and prevents all "Asphyxiated!"
       timed destruction events at the gnome's current time or later.

    f. In room 4, fix the reactor.  If successful, this resets the
       heat disaster track.

    g. In room 7, stop a missile launch.  If successful, this prevents
       all "Missiles Launched!" timed destruction events at the
       gnome's current time or later.

    h. Outside the sub, kill a kraken threatening the sub.  If
       successful, this prevents all "Devoured by Kraken!" timed
       destruction events at the gnome's current time or later.

    i. In room 8, spend one to four minutes to gain the same number of
       items.  The contestmaster awards the items gained, drawn at
       random, to the gnome.

    j. In room 0, spend one or two minutes to gain the same number of
       grog items.  The number of grog items that can be gained in
       this manner during a single game is limited to six.

    k. In a room with another gnome, spend one minute to give any
       number of items to that gnome.  The recipient CAN then give any
       number of items in return by announcement; this can only be
       done before either gnome takes eir next turn.

    l. Spend one minute to perform no action.

    m. Outside the sub, spend all remaining minutes to abandon eir
       comrades.  This action is only available if, at the start of
       the turn, all gnomes had fewer than 10 minutes remaining.

12. Performing actions a. through h. requires spending one to ten
    minutes, chosen by the gnome.  The probability of success is equal
    to 10% times the sum of the number of minutes spent and any
    modifiers to the action gained through items used during the turn.

13. If a room is on fire, the only available action in that room is to
    extinguish the fire.  A gnome attempting this action SHOULD
    indicate one iteration of movement to be performed if the action
    fails.  Otherwise, the contestmaster SHALL perform one iteration
    of movement for the gnome at eir discretion when resolving the
    turn, if possible, if the action fails.

14. If a room is at high water, the only available action in that room
    is no action.

15. If a room as at low water, all actions except no action and
    pumping water require spending an extra two minutes.

16. After a gnome takes a turn, the contestmaster SHALL resolve that
    turn by announcement on the double.  The announcement must include
    the following steps:

    a. The success of the action, determined according to the
       probability assigned by this contract, if necessary.

    b. If the gnome's location is on fire or at high water, or if the
       gnome is outside the sub and did not use an aqualung this turn,
       e is killed.

    c. Determination of whether the gnome has fainted.  If the gnome
       is still alive and used at least one grog item during the turn,
       the contestmaster draws an event card.  If the card drawn shows
       a faint check number that is less than or equal to the gnome's
       intoxication level, e faints and loses ten minutes.  A fainted
       gnome remains fainted and cannot take another turn until all
       other gnomes have fewer minutes remaining than em.

    d. Events spawned by the turn.  The contestmaster shall draw event
       cards and award randomly drawn items to the gnome for the event
       markers and draw item markers passed by the gnome on the time
       track during the turn, in order.  If a room with a fainted
       gnome catches fire or floods as a result of the events drawn, e
       is killed.

17. Some events impose hand limits upon one or all gnomes.  When this
    happens, the affected gnomes CAN discard items down to the imposed
    limit by announcement, and cannot take a turn until they have done

18. When a gnome successfully resets a disaster track during eir turn,
    the contestmaster SHALL award em 2 X points on the double.  When a
    gnome successfully prevents at least one timed destruction event
    during eir turn, the contestmaster SHALL award em 3 X points on
    the double.

19. If an unfainted gnome has more than zero minutes remaining and has
    not taken a turn in four days, the contestmaster CAN kill em by
    announcement.  E SHOULD do so if and only if e deems it necessary
    to keep the game moving.  In particular, the contestmaster SHOULD
    NOT use this paragraph to kill a gnome who is merely waiting for
    other gnomes to take their turns so that e can abandon ship.

20. When a gnome is killed, e loses all eir remaining minutes and
    loses the game.

21. If the heat, pressure, or asphyxiation track reaches its maximum
    value; or if all gnomes pass a timed destruction event on the time
    track without preventing it; then the sub is lost and all gnomes
    who have not abandoned their comrades lose the game.

22. If no surviving gnome has any minutes remaining, and the sub has
    not been lost, then all surviving gnomes who have not abandoned
    their comrades win the game.

23. A gnome who abandoned eir comrades wins if all gnomes who did not
    abandon their comrades lose; otherwise e loses.

24. The game ends when one or more gnomes win, or when all gnomes have
    lost.  When one or more gnomes win the game, the contestmaster
    SHALL award them the maximum possible number of Y points, split
    evenly between the winning gnomes, on the double.

25. The contestmaster shall resolve disputes pertaining to gameplay.
    In doing so, the contestmaster SHOULD follow the spirit of the
    rules of the board game Red November, where possible.

26. The contestmaster CAN amend this contract without the objection of
    any contestant.


A. An image of the game board is available at:

   The time track circles the edge of the board, providing a
   visualization of when events occur relative to the gnomes'
   remaining time.  Red stars on the time track denote times when
   events happen during turn resolution.  White stars denote times
   when the active gnome is awarded a random item during turn

B. With 3-5 gnomes, each gnome begins with 60 minutes.  With 6 gnomes,
   each gnome begins with 55 minutes.  With 7 gnomes, each gnome
   begins with 49 minutes.  With 8 gnomes, each gnome begins with 46

C. The initial pool of randomly available items and their effects
   when used are as follows.  If a gnome would gain a random item and
   no items remain, all discarded items are shuffled back into the
   item pool.

   Grog x6*: May enter a room on fire.  Get +3 bonus to all actions.

   Toolbox x3: Get +3 bonus to fix engine, oxygen pumps, or reactor.

   Engine Manual x4: Get +4 bonus to fix the engine.

   Pump Manual x4: Get +4 bonus to fix the oxygen pumps.

   Reactor Manual x4: Get +4 bonus to fix the reactor.

   Deactivation Code x3: Get +4 bonus to stop missile launches.

   Crowbar x6: Get +3 bonus to unblock a hatch.

   Fire Extinguisher x5: Get +3 bonus to extinguish a fire.

   Water Pump x6: Get +3 bonus to pump water.

   Coffee x1: Reduce intoxication by two.

   Aqualung x2: May leave the sub.

   Diving Gun x2: Get +4 bonus to kill the kraken.

   Lucky Charm x2: Ignore the first three events spawned by the turn.

   * Not including the 6 Grog items initially available in the
     Captain's Cabin (Room 10).


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