Proto-Proposal: No exceptions (AI=3, II=2)
Repeal Rule 1482.
Repeal Rule 1030.

Create a new power-4 rule entitled {Precedence of Rules} and assign it
an ID Number of 1.

      A Rule indicates precedence over another Rule if any of the
      following are true:
        - The other rule states that it defers the first rule.
        - It states that it takes precedence over the other rule, which
          does not explicitly state that there exist no exceptions to
        - It states that there are no exceptions to it.

     For the purposes of this Rule, the statements made by a rule with
     regards to precedence need neither be explicit nor specific. For
     instance, a Rule that reads "Rules to the contrary notwithstanding"
     indicates precedence over all Rules that conflict with it, unless
     they indicate that they have no exceptions. Likewise, they need not
     be unilateral - a different indication of precedence may be
     appropriate between the same two Rules, depending on the situation.

     A conflict of Rules is any situation where the text of two or more
     Rules contradict each other (situations where a single Rule
     contradicts itself SHOULD be interpreted in a common-sense
     fashion). A conflict is minimal; in a given situation there may be
     multiple contradictions, but they are all separate conflicts unless
     they are with regards to precisely the same issue.

     In a conflict of Rules, every Rule takes precedence over
     every lower-powered Rule. Among Rules of equal Power, a directed
     graph exists with every conflicting rule of that power being a
     vertex, and each indication of precedence being an edge leading
     from the Rule indicating precedence to the other. If there exists a
     path from one Rule to another that does not pass through an edge
     that is part of a cycle, then the first Rule takes precedence over
     the second; otherwise, the Rule with the lower ID Number takes

     There are no exceptions to this Rule.

The fundamental change here is that the precedence rule now comes first
in the ruleset and that there according exist no ways to, in one change,
create a rule that takes precedence over it in any way. It also adds
another layer of precedence (no exceptions) to make things easier to
handle (for instance, with the current ruleset, the WoEV, if an Alpha,
in fact has 12 votes!).

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