comex wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
>> Also (just to note) I think that if you perform something obviously
>> illegal to win the game from scratch, deregistration is the right
>> balance (e.g. one illegal win from zero = 1 deregistration) especially
>> if it's done via points and thus resets people who have climbed up
>> the hard way - they've worked at the win for 30 days or more so
>> sitting out for 30 days or more is a balance.
> I don't.  The minimum exile period is 3 months, a win by high score
> (of dubious legality itself) occurred two days ago, losing points is
> rather less damaging than deregistration, there was significant debate
> about whether I actually broke the rules, and there's a whole lot of
> apathy in the contest system right now in any case-- Cookie Jar is
> easily scammable but I have yet to see anyone even try, AAA rewards
> squatters, and Enigma is awarding large amounts of points to puzzle
> submitters because not enough people are submitting puzzles.


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