On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> The Anarchist's proposals are rarely accepted. This proposal proposes two
>> changes, both of which serve the purpose of having the Anarchist's proposals
>> actually be accepted. First, the Anarchist is given the power to select the
>> rules e wishes to repeal rather than having to randomly select some (which
>> will often net em with having rules that nobody wants to repeal). Second, it
>> gives the Anarchist the power to submit other relevant changes, so as not to
>> leave the rules in disarray if any of eir proposals are to be accepted.
> As far as I can tell, the Anarchist isn't prohibited from submitting
> any proposals e wants.  If we don't like proposals of random rule
> repeals anymore, we should just get rid of the Anarchist since the
> office isn't entertaining us anymore (if it ever did.)

What would be truly entertaining (and needing to be implemented at a high
level) would be random but with power-if-adopted set to AI+1 instead of AI.  

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