On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Trivially FALSE.  comex has a rest, which is a Losing Condition.
> E burned it off, I thought?

E had two; I think e has only burned one off so far.

>> But I don't think you would get a paradox out of this anyway; it would
>> simply not be a Win Announcement, due to not being true.
> Claiming it isn't true leads to a contradiction, if you accept that
> comex does indeed have such an abnormally high score.

The liar's paradox is neither true nor false.  A win announcement must
be "correct" which cannot be the case if it is not true.  This is
essentially the same argument I used in judging CFJ 2463.


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