On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Proposal: Performance Analysis (AI = 1, II = 2)
>> Create a new Rule with Power 1 and the following text
>> Performance Analysis is a player switch with values Masterful, Clean
>> (default), and Dirty.
>> If a player is the Accused of an Uncontested Notice of Violation or is the
>> Accused of a criminal case judged GUILTY, eir Performance Analysis CAN be
>> flipped to Dirty by any player by announcement. If a Judge or Appeals Panel
>> later finds the Accused NOT GUILTY for a crime or Uncontested Notice of
>> Violation for which the Accused's Performance Analysis was flipped from
>> Clean to Dirty or Masterful to Dirty, then any player can flip eir
>> Performance Analysis to its previous value by announcement. Having a
>> Performance Analysis of Dirty is a losing condition.
>> Any player CAN spend one note and clearly announce that he is attempting
>> to flip eir Performance Analysis to Clean. Any other player CAN spend the
>> same note within four days and flip either the original player's Performance
>> Analysis or both players' Performance Analysis to Clean by announcement.
>> Any player CAN spend one note of each type and clearly announce that he is
>> attempting to flip eir Performance Analysis to Masterful. Any other player
>> CAN spend one note of each type within four days and flip both players'
>> Performance Analysis to Masterful by announcement.
>> Upon a win announcement that exactly one player has a Performance Analysis
>> of Masterful and that e has had a Performance Analysis of Masterful
>> continuously for at least the previous two weeks and that no other player
>> has had a Performance Analysis of Masterful for the previous two weeks, e
>> satisfies the Winning Condition of Best in Show.
>> Cleanup procedure: That player CAN and SHALL, in the same announcement,
>> flip eir Performance Analysis to Clean.
>> End Proposal
>> -Yally
> A slightly modified version.

This seems very similar to the losing condition of having rests and
the winning condition of solitude.  Why would we want this as well?


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