On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Aaron Goldfein
<aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proposal: Okay, you're not playing anymore (AI = 2)
> Change the text of Rule 2130 (Activity) that reads:
> A player who has been continuously Inactive for at least three
> months CAN be deregistered by any other player without
> objection.  This is a means of honorable deregistration.
> to read:
> A player who has been continuously Inactive for at least six months
> CAN be deregistered by any other player by announcement.
> A player who has been continuously Inactive for at least three months
> but no more than six months CAN be deregistered by any other player
> without objection. These are both means of honorable deregistration.
> End Proposal
This just provides a motive to get active without actually playing.

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