On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> Thus, even if Goethe succeeded in multiple
>> caste flips (which I don't believe e did, but that's a matter for the
>> appeal in the revelant CFJ), coppro would not be responsible for
>> fixing them through other caste flips.
> I tried to have some reasonably decent fail conditions.  I think, accepting
> your argument, that I completed pieces of at least one caste rotation
> procedure (procedure A), involving multiple caste flips.

Err, I meant to write "multiple flips to Alpha" there; I don't think
that multiple flips in general occurred is in doubt unless
deputisation doesn't work at all (which I think could at worst be said
to be ambiguous, so game custom that it does work should guide us.)

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