On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, The PerlNomic Partnership wrote:
>> Proposal 6167 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by comex
>> Foo
>> Create a Power=3 Rule which reads: { comex CAN cause this rule to amend 
>> itself
>> by announcement. }
> While I respect anyone has the right to do these things, I'm really bored of
> it

It's funny, when I reacted the same way to Murphy's scam, claiming
that intentional loopholes are boring, you pointed out that they can
be quite interesting and devious, and-- having calmed down and gotten
over being scammed-- I nearly turned around and replied refuting
myself and agreeing with you.  Both of us, I think, suffer from a
knee-jerk reaction to scams perpetrated against us, upon which we
claim the scams are boring, unoriginal, old ... your 'betrayal' with
Open it Up infuriated me, and I cried foul, but what could be more
exciting in retrospect? ... the situation exacerbated by the frequency
of scams being perpetrated recently.

(Still, my favorite scams are those where obscure, old rules, not
intended as scams, are combined in unexpected ways-- my very favorite
is the Monster dictatorship.)

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