Attempting to revive this because I think it had potential that was never explored previously. In an effort to overcome comex's scam on Nomic Wars II, and to combat past objections that the contract could be used to mousetrap participants I have separated the "nomic wars" game from the contract language. Please review and comment.
NOMIC WARS III { 1. BOILERPLATE The name of this contract is Nomic Wars III. This is a public contract. Any person CAN join this contract. Any party CAN leave this contract. Any party CAN amend or terminate this contract without three objections. If this contract specifies that an action can be performed, the method for performing that action is by announcement unless otherwise specified. If this contract is a contest its contestmaster is null then any party CAN flip its contestmaster to BobTHJ. If this contract is not a contest then the contestmaster (as referred to in this contract) is BobTHJ. Parties to this contract shall act collectively to ensure it fulfills its duties and obligations. Any party CAN act on behalf of this contract without three objections. 2. IMMUTABLE GROUND RULES Nomic Wars Rules (or War-rules) are entities recognized and regulated by this contract. No entity may create, modify, or destroy a War-rule except as permitted by this contract and by non-void War-rules. Parties to this contract are bound by the text of all War-rules, but only to the extent of the scope of this contract. Any War-rule or War-rule of a War-rule which obligates or permits a party to take action (or inaction) that is not defined by this contract is void, with the exception of those actions specifically mentioned in this contract. The text of this contract takes precedence over all War-rules. Each War-rule has an owner. The owner of a War-rule must be either the name of a current party, former party, or null (default). If the owner of a War-rule would be set to any other value it is instead set to null. Each war-rule has an integer rating (default -1). In a conflict between two War-rules the War-rule with the higher rating takes precedence. A War-rule with a non-positive rating is void and non-binding. Each war-rule has a number. Whenever a new war-rule is created it is assigned the next highest unused sequential number by the contestmaster. The contestmaster of this contract SHALL in a timely fashion award points for this contract if directed by the War-rules currently in effect. The set of axes for this contest is {X, Y}. If this contract is a Champion's Contest, then the contestmaster SHALL in a timely fashion transfer Medals from this contract to a specific one of its parties if directed by the War-rules currently in effect. The contestmaster SHALL maintain a list of all War-rules and any other information pertinent to this contract and shall publish such a list on a regular basis. 3. INITIALIZATION Upon creation of this contract, or whenever a party to this contract wins by Championship as a result of a Medal transferred to them by this contract all War-rules are repealed, then the following set of War-rules are created: 1. (Rating=8, Owner=null) A War-rule's text, Rating, Owner, and number may not be modifed (even indirectly) by a War-rule with a Rating lower than its own. 2. (Rating=8, Owner=null) A War-rule may not be repealed (even indirectly) by a War-rule with a Rating lower than its own. 3. (Rating=7, Owner=null) Maneuvers are a currency whose recordkeeper is the Contestmaster. 4. (Rating=7, Owner=null) As soon as possible after the beginning of each week the Contestmaster SHALL create five Maneuvers in the possession of each party. 5. (Rating=7, Owner=null) A party CAN perform a Battle Action by destroying a number of Maneuvers in eir possession equal to the cost of that action (default cost 1 if unspecified). 6. (Rating=7, Owner=null) Rights and abilities granted by War-rules of Rating 5 or above CAN NOT be abridged by War-rules with a Rating lower than their own. 7. (Rating=6, Owner=null) Among equally Rated War-rules, War-rules with lower numbers take precedence over War-rules with higher numbers. 8. (Rating=5, Owner=null) When a War-rule is added its Owner is set to the party who directly added it, or null if otherwise unclear. 9. (Rating=5, Owner=null) War-rules whose text contains more than 30 words or more than one sentence are void. 10. (Rating=4, Owner=null) Incrementing or decrementing the rating of a War-rule by 1 is a Battle Action. 11. (Rating=4, Owner=null) Creating a new section is a Battle Action with a cost of 2. 12. (Rating=3, Owner=null) As soon as possible after the end of each week, the contestmaster SHALL award X-points to each party equal to eir Presence at the end of that week. 13. (Rating=3, Owner=null) A party CAN NOT increment or decrement the rating of a section if e has done so within the past week. 14. (Rating=3, Owner=null) A party's Presence is equal to the sum of the Ratings of all sections e owns. 15. (Rating=3, Owner=null) A section whose rating is less than 2 may not repeal or modify the text, ownership, rating, or number of any section. } BobTHJ