Sgeo wrote:

> Why would BobTHJ lose eir MwPship? pikhq should have lost it after
> ais523+AFO won. BobTHJ then loses MwPship when comex wins. ais523
> gains Speakership.

I'm not sure about the exact order of loss, but in any case, there
should be only five MwPs.  I have the most recent winners as follows:

02/27/09 comex
02/05/09 Murphy
02/03/09 ais523, AFO
12/03/08 Pavitra
10/31/08 ais523
10/27/08 ais523
08/28/08 ais523
06/30/08 Zefram

so the MwPs should be ais523 (Speaker), Pavitra, AFO, Murphy, comex.

I think your incorrect changes platonically failed per R649.

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