On Fri, 27 Feb 2009, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Feb 2009, Elliott Hird wrote:
>> 2009/2/27 Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>:
>>> Crime:          Class-3 Crime of Failure to Apologize (R1504).
>> Is this not also invalid per R2239?
> Probably.  Is failure to publish something instantaneous upon the time limit
> expiring or continuous?  I'll let you call that CFJ.

Actually, this whole thing is pretty interesting, worthy of some Inquiry,
even getting down to the whole "ceasing to play" issue:

a.  You were sentenced to apology.
b.  You published an "apology".  Let's assume for the sake of argument
    that it wasn't an apology (either because it didn't show remorse,
    or because the text itself said it wasn't an apology).
c.  Before the ASAP time limit expired, you deregistered.
d.  Arguably, once you quit, you (arguably) weren't subject to the ASAP 
    requirement, or you'd still be playing (or whatever we're considering
    for R101 -- while contracts may or may not be "playing", being
    required to publish an apology is certainly "playing").
e.  You re-joined.  When you re-joined, were you instantly subject to
    the ASAP requirement, so you committed the crime when you registered,
    which is not grandfathered?  Or was the time instant for that seven days 
    after sentencing, while you were deregistered (which is now grandfathered)? 
    But how could that work when you weren't subject to the law at that time?

Any thoughts on inquiry CFJs to sort this out?  Or am I being dumb and missing 
something obvious?  (If this can somehow be construed into Guilty, I think 
Discharge works fine btw, I'm more interested in the whole process and timing
of culpability versus deregistration and re-registration here).


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