ais523 wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 13:33 -0800, Ed Murphy wrote:
>> Proposal:  Support Plutocracy
>> (AI = 2, please)
>> Create a rule titled "Support Plutocracy" with Power 2 and this text:
>>       A player CAN, with 4 support, change a democratic decision
>>       with Adoption Index less than 3 to be ordinary.
> Isn't this broken due to the first paragraph of rule 2196?
> I like the idea, though.

Possibly, but only for proposals with AI >= 2; you could still
reverse an ordinary-to-democratic conversion.

More generally, how much substantive gamestate is actually defined at
Power < 2 nowadays?  Inquiry and equity cases, yes, but encouraging
high-caste players to focus there is probably a bad idea.  Someone might
want to review Power = 2 rules and look for portions that can reasonably
be separated out into lower-Power rules.

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