On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 20:48 -0500, Jamie Dallaire wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 7:54 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
>         >      2. The regions of each colour must be connected. In
>         other words,
>         >         for any two squares which are the same colour, there
>         is a
>         >         (possibly empty) path of squares of that colour
>         connecting them,
>         >         such that each pair of squares along that path are
>         adjacent.
> possibly empty? Does that mean that you can leave some squares
> uncoloured? (this seems to go against certain other restrictions)
No, it means you're allowed a region which is just two squares large (in
which case the two squares are connected by a path of zero length, thus
an empty path). All squares have to be coloured, although if you find a
solution involving uncoloured squares you can trivially make it into a
solution with all squares coloured by colouring them an appropriate

As for all puzzle clarifications, I'm sending this to everyone so nobody
gets an unfair advantage.
Enigma contestmaster

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