Proto-Proposal: Increase privatization (AI = 2, II = 3, please) Change the title of Rule 2126 to "Salaries", and amend it to read:
Employership is a public contract switch, tracked by the Payroll Clerk, with values Non-Employer (default) and Employer. Changes to Employership are secured. A player CAN flip a public contract's Employership without 3 objections. Career is a player switch, tracked by the Payroll Clerk, with values null (default) and all Employer contractss. Changes to Career are secured. A player CAN flip eir Career if it is null, or if e has not already flipped it in this way during the current month. The Payroll Clerk is an office, and the recordkeepor of Employers and Careers. Salaries are gained as follows. The specific effect (if any) of gaining a salary depends on a player's Career. Gaining salaries is secured. (1) At the end of each week, for each player, let X be the number of eir interested proposals that were adopted during that week, and let Y be the number of eir interested quorate proposals that were rejected during that week with VI >= AI/2; e gains a legislative salary as follows: (a) If X > Y > 0, then majority-approval. (b) If X > Y = 0, then unanimous-approval. (c) If X = Y > 0, then middle-of-the-road. (d) If Y > X = 0, then unanimous-controversial. (e) If Y > X > 0, then majority-controversial. (f) Otherwise, none due to this clause. (2) (a) At the end of each week, each player who completed the non-empty set of weekly duties of at least one office during that week gains a weekly executive salary whose rating is the highest interest index among all such offices. (b) At the end of each month, each player who completed the non-empty set of monthly duties of at least one office during that month gains a monthly executive salary whose rating is the highest interest index among all such offices. (3) At the end of each week, each player who published at least one on-time judgement during that week gains a judicial salary whose rating is the highest interest index among all such cases. (4) (a) At the end of each week, each player who gained at least one Point during that week due to being a contestant in a contest gains a contestant salary. (b) At the end of each week, each player who awarded at least one Point during that week due to being the contestmaster of a contest gains a contestmaster salary. (5) (a) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one proposal with an Interest Index of 2 that passed during that week gains a medium-complexity legislative salary. (b) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one proposal with an Interest Index of 3 that passed during that week gains a high-complexity legislative salary. Create a rule titled "Social Climbing" with Power 2 and this text: Influence is a public contract switch, tracked by the Grand Poobah, with values Uninfluential (default) and Influential. Changes to Influence are secured. A player CAN flip a public contract's Influence without 3 objections. A player CAN increase or decrease the caste, or the voting limit on an individual ordinary proposal, of a specified player as permitted by an Influential contract. If changes to caste are secured, then changes to assets backed by an Influential contract by methods other than those stated by that contract are secured with the same power threshold. Change the title of Rule 2228 to "Blots", and amend it to read: Blots are a fixed asset, whose recordkeepor is the Janitor. The creation and destruction of Blots is secured with a power threshold of 1.7, and a person CANNOT destroy Blots except as permitted by rules explicitly stating methods by which Blots in particular CAN be destroyed. Ownership of Blots is restricted to first-class persons. If, in the absence of this restriction, a number (N) of Blots would be created in the ownership of a non-first-class person, then for each member of that person's basis, N Blots are created in that member's possession. The Janitor is an office, and the recordkeepor of Blots. Create a rule titled "Laundromats" with Power 2 and this text: Cleanliness is a public contract switch with values Unclean (default) and Clean. Changes to Cleanliness are secured. A player CAN flip a public contract's Cleanliness without 3 objections. A player CAN destroy a Blot owned by a specified player as permitted by a Clean contract. Change the title of Rule 2229 to "Blot Penalties", and amend it to read: Owning one or more Blots is a Losing Condition. While a person owns at least 8 Blots, that person CANNOT spend or transfer assets that e could use to destroy Blots e owns in any other way, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. While a player owns at least 24 Blots, that player CAN be deregistered by any player by announcement. A person who owns at least 6 Blots, or where every member of eir basis owns 6 Blots, CANNOT register, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. A person who has one or more Blots but is not a player is a Fugitive. The Herald's report shall include a list of all Fugitives and the number of Blots they possess. At the beginning of each month, half of each Fugitive's Blots (rounded down) are destroyed. Amend Rules 2156 (Voting on Ordinary Decisions) and 2230 (Notices of Violation by replacing each instance of "Rests" with "Blots". Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing the section describing the sentence of SILENCE with this text: * BLOTTING. A number of Blots are created in the possession of the Ninny. For defined Crimes, this number equals the defined Class of the Crime; otherwise, this number equals the power of the breached Rule. If the Ninny showed bad faith by contesting an obviously-correct notice or by obstructing the course of justice, the judge CAN double the amount of the penalty with 2 Support. Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player gains a number of Blots equal to the number of Rests that e owned immediately before the adoption of this proposal. Upon the adoption of this proposal: * Murphy and the AFO agree to the following public contract, and Murphy consents to be its contestmaster. * Its contestmaster is flipped to the player who was Conductor immediately before this proposal was adopted (if e has consented), or Murphy otherwise. * Its Employment is flipped to Employer. * Each player's Career is flipped to it. * Its Influence is flipped to Influential. * Its Cleanliness is flipped to Clean. 1) The name of this contract is The Agoran Philharmonic. 2) Notes are a class of fixed assets. Ownership of Notes is restricted to players. The Conductor is the recordkeepor of Notes, and the contestmaster. Each Note has exactly one pitch from the chromatic scale (ignoring octaves, and treating enharmonics as equivalent). Each pitch of Note is a currency. 3) Key is a player switch, tracked by the Conductor, with values equal to the pitches that Notes can have, defaulting to C. A player CAN change eir Key to any value by announcement, unless e has already done so during the current month. (If the rules do not allow this contract to define Key as a switch, then Key is instead defined as a player attribute that acts as if it were a rule-defined player switch; otherwise, any player CAN by announcement remove this sentence from this contract.) 4) Salaries are paid in Notes as follows, except that the pitch actually gained is as many semitones higher than the pitch listed below as the player's Key is higher than C at the time of the gain: (C) Contestant (C#) Contestmaster (D) Judicial (number of Notes = rating) (Eb) Monthly executive (E) Weekly executive (F) Majority-approval legislative (F#) Unanimous-approval legislative (G) Middle-of-the-road legislative (Ab) Unanimous-controversial legislative (A) Majority-controversial legislative (Bb) High-priority legislative (B) Medium-priority legislative 5) Notes CAN be spent to alter castes as follows: (a) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to increase another non-Alpha player's caste by 1 level. (b) A non-Alpha player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major scale to increase eir own caste by 1 level. (c) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a minor chord to decrease another non-Savage player's caste by 1 level. (d) A non-Savage player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a minor scale to decrease eir own caste by 1 level. 6) Notes CAN be spent to alter voting limits on individual proposals as follows: (a) A player CAN spend one Note to increase another player's voting limit on an ordinary proposal whose voting period is in progress by 1. (b) A player CAN spend two Notes to increase eir voting limit on an ordinary proposal whose voting period is in progress by 1. 7) Notes CAN be spent to destroy Blots as follows: (a) A player CAN spend two Notes to destroy a Blot owned by another player e specifies. (b) A player CAN spend two Notes separated by six semitones to destroy one of eir Blots. 8) Notes CAN be spent to gain points as follows; the Conductor SHALL award the points as soon as possible, but spread over multiple weeks as needed: (a) During Agora's Birthday, a player CAN spend Notes forming one or more bars of the melody "Happy Birthday" (GGAGCB GGAGDC GGGECBA FFECDC or translations thereof, but all translated to the same tonic) for 25 points per bar. (b) During the first N days of the Nth month, a player CAN spend Notes forming one or more bars of the on-the-hour Westminster Quarters (CEDG CDEC ECDG GDEC C*N or translations thereof, but all translated to the same tonic) for 10 points per bar. 9) Notes CAN be spent to alter Note holdings as follows: (a) A player CAN spend two Notes of the same pitch to make another player gain one Note of that pitch. (b) A player CAN spend three Notes to gain a Note whose pitch is as many semitones distant from one of the Notes spent as the distance between the other two Notes spent. Upon the adoption of this proposal, the parties to the Agoran Agricultural Association are ENCOURAGED to convert it into an effective Employer, Influential contract, and/or Clean contract.