BobTHJ wrote:

> I think Murphy gave me the authority to issue these. If not this
> report is unofficial (in which case: Murphy, you can find a text
> report to cut and paste at

I thought I did, but I can't find it (it wasn't even among the stuff I
terminated a few days ago).  I did find Airstrip One being created on
July 12, so any research needn't go further back than that (the real
limiting factor is whenever you set up the bob-space stuff).

Anyway, I've been keeping independent records, and yours are missing
the following two entries:

Wed 26 Nov 00:28:51  comex     : comex     > Murphy    (late judging)
Fri  5 Dec 00:48:41  Taral     : Taral     > BobTHJ    (scorekeeping)

but otherwise match my figures.

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