Gratuituous arguments on CFJ 2307:

The PerlNomic Partnership contract includes this clause:

5. The PerlNomic Partnership shall act by using the mechanisms of the
   PerlNomic game to send messages to the appropriate Agoran fora.  This
   is the only mechanism by which the PerlNomic Partnership may act.

which is effective whether or not Warrigal is considered to have
agreed to the contract.  (Interpreting otherwise would cause all
messages triggered by GoogleBot to be ineffective, which would be
against the best interests of Agora, PerlNomic, and the PNP.)

However, if Warrigal triggered the message in question with full
knowledge of what it would contain, and without making an attempt to
change it first, then that would be a strong argument in favor of
sufficiently "explicit, willful consent" (or at least a sentence of

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