ais523 wrote:

> (Note that I
> don't think the text of the pledge was reasonably available during the
> voting period, because AFAIR Murphy deleted it from eir Notary website
> when e intended to terminate it, rather than when it was terminated.)

All the contracts recently cleaned up were either never added, or
"deleted" in Wikidot's default sense (i.e. renamed by prepending
"deleted:").  However, this was never a pledge; BobTHJ simply wrote
on November 10:

> In all my future communications, a vote of SDONATE(x - y) should be
> evaluated to be the posting of Sell Ticket with cost x and casting all
> my valid votes endorsing the filler. If the ticket is not filled, the
> vote should be evaluated as a DONATE(y) vote (per the PAC contract).

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