Proto-Proposal: It's not used (AI=2)
Amend the Rule titled "Notices of Violation" by removing:
      (d) The name of the Class-N Crime (if any) specified in the
          Rules as being associated with the alleged breach, where N
          is the positive integer specified in the Rules for that
       (3) when a crime is named, the crime is specified within
           the Rules.
and by changing the semicolon to a period in item (c).

[The clause is wordy and the name of the crime is not used in the
standard NoV procedure-- only in criminal cases.  Naming the crime is
fine, but no reason to make a notice lacking it invalid.]
Proto-Proposal: Any member of basis (AI=2)
Amend the Rule titled "Just Resting" by replacing "every member of eir
basis owns" with "any member of eir basis owns at least".
[Partnerships having ANY member with at least 6/18 rests can't register.]

Proto-Proposal: A range of punishments (AI=2)
Amend the Rule titled "Notices of Violation" by replacing the final
period in the last item of the first list with a semicolon, by adding
the following item to that list (numbered appropriately):
      (e) An amount of Rests to be created and/or a set of assets to
          be destroyed.  The player SHALL choose an amount and/or set
          that would appropriately punish the Accused for eir Rule
          violation if the Rests were created in eir possession and
          the assets transferred to the Lost and Found Department.
by replacing:
        (2) no previous valid notice specified substantially
            identical information (i.e. the same violation for the
            same specific act).
        (2) no previous valid notice specified substantially identical
            information (i.e. the same violation for the same specific
            act); a difference in the punishment specified is not
            considered substantial for this purpose.
and by replacing:
      If a notice remains uncontested for four days, a number of Rests
      are created in the possession of the Accused equal to the power
      of the violated Rule rounded up.  If the notice becomes
      contested after four days, these Rests remain, but CAN be later
      destroyed by judicial processes as described elsewhere.
      If a notice remains uncontested for four days, a number of Rests
      are created in the possession of the Accused equal to the amount
      specified (if any), and the assets specified (if any) are
      transferred to the Lost and Found Department.  If the notice
      becomes contested after four days, these effects remain, but CAN
      be later reversed by judicial processes as described elsewhere.

Amend Rule 1504 by replacing:
      If the Accused is found to be NOT GUILTY after a number of rests
      have been created in eir possession due to the notice in
      question, the judge CAN and SHALL destroy any such rests by
      announcement as soon as possible.
      If the Accused is found to be NOT GUILTY after a number of rests
      have been created in eir possession due to the notice in
      question, the judge CAN by announcement and SHALL as soon as
      possible destroy any such rests; if e is found to be NOT GUILTY
      after assets have been transferred to the Lost and Found
      Department, the judge CAN by announcement and SHALL as soon as
      possible transfer the assets back to em.
and by replacing:
      * SILENCE, a number of Rests, equal to the defined Class of the
        Crime or (if the breach is not a defined crime) the power of
        the breached Rule, are created in the possession of the Ninny.
        If the Ninny showed bad faith by contesting an obviously-
        correct notice or by obstructing the course of justice, the
        judge CAN double the amount of the fine with 2 Support.
      * SILENCE.  When in effect, a number of Rests equal to three
        times the defined Class of the Crime or (if the breach is not
        a defined crime) three times the power of the breached Rule
        are created in the possession of the Ninny.  The judge CAN
        double the amount of the fine with 2 Support; e SHOULD do this
        only if the Ninny showed bad faith by contesting an
        obviously-correct notice or by obstructing the course of

Amend the Rule titled "Just Resting" by replacing "24" with "72", "8"
with "24", and "6" with "18".

Amend the Rule titled "Rests" by replacing:
      A player CAN spend two Notes in order to destroy a Rest owned by
      a player e specifies.
      A player CAN spend two Notes in order to destroy three Rests
      owned by a player e specifies.

For every Rest currently owned by a person, create two more rests in
eir possession.

[Vigilante-ish.  Cut the value of Rests in three, allowing for more
granularity in punishments, with everything tripled accordingly.  Then
allow for NoVs to specify an arbitrary number of Rests to create and
an arbitrary set of assets to destroy: a NoV might specify 10 coins,
or 1 blot, or 2 WRVs in some AAA-related case, etc.  Only one NoV can
be submitted, so whatever the first person thought is an appropriate
punishment stands, but submitting a blatantly appropriate punishment
is illegal and if there's any controversy, a criminal case can be

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