BobTHJ wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 14:28, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I remember a proposal or proto to that effect, but the latest FLR
>> (through Proposal 5983) doesn't show it, nor do any later proposals
>> appear to cover it.  Anyone want to research this one further?
> Proposal 5971.

Gratuituous arguments for (what will be) CFJ 2296:

Due to the adoption of Proposal 5971, the total award should only have
been 45.  Thus, if the awards are treated as separable per player and
ordered, then ais523 and Pavitra still got 20 points each, while comex
got either 5 or 0 points (depending on whether eir award is treated as
separable per player-and-point).

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