On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 17:06, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try # 3.  Changes are to make the ONCE apply to the rule number, and to use
> X as a wild-card seed:
> Within one week after an existing rule is mutated (its power is changed), a
> Farmer CAN once Harvest the ID number of that rule, and harvest any other
> crop and specify the Seed of a Digit Ranch e owns.  As soon as possible
> after doing so the SoA CAN and SHALL destroy a Digit Ranch of the specified
> Seed in that Farmer's possession, and create in that Farmer's possession a
> Digit Ranch with the Seed specified by the additional crop (if the
> additional crop was X, the Farmer when harvesting the crop MUST specify a
> crop other than X as the Seed).

I like this, but can we fix the harvesting an amended rule for random
crops to not consider mutations to be amendments?


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