Elliott Hird wrote:
On 26 Nov 2008, at 04:46, Pavitra wrote:
On Tuesday 25 November 2008 01:27:59 pm Elliott Hird wrote:
time, unless the winner has transferred the VP to him.
Y'know, you B players really need to get used to the way we use
pronouns around here.
I started playing B much after Agora.
I do not like Spivak.
I've never used Spivak by choice. English has perfectly good
gender-neutral third person singular pronouns: "they", "them" etc. (Nor
are these some kind of PC invention of the 20th century; they occur used
in this way in Shakespeare, the King James bible and Jane Austen. I
recommend the discussion on Language Log (online), or the
Merriam-Webster Usage Dictionary.)