On Tuesday 25 November 2008 10:52:57 am Alex Smith wrote:
> I CFJ on the statement "The Ambassador CAN flip Wooble's
> Recognition to Friendly without objection.".
> It is a philosophical question whether or not humans are defined in
> some sense by a set of explicit rules; neuroscientists and
> philosophers have puzzled over this for decades, and are unlikely
> to come to a conclusion any time soon.
> I seriously don't expect an Agoran CFJ to be able to solve this
> issue; in fact, logic alone is insufficient to determine matters of
> logic and philosophy. 
> arguably it isn't
> UNDETERMINED because "uncertainty as to how to interpret or apply
> the rules cannot constitute insufficiency of information for this
> purpose", and the question is about how the rules define a nomic;

I agree with woggle.

It's UNDETERMINED, because we have insufficient information as to 
whether a human is defined by a set of explicit rules. If Wooble is 
so defined, then e is a nomic; the interpretation of the rules is 
perfectly clear. The question is a matter of worldly fact.


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