Rule 1664/29 (Power=2) Rebellion A Call for Revolt is a notice submitted by a player (the Agitator) which alleges, roughly, that the current government is corrupt, oppressive and self-serving, that rather than watching over the people it is watching the people, that action must be taken, and furthermore asserts that we do not need a key, because we can break in. The Call is valid only if:
(a) the Agitator was rebellious when e submitted the Call; (b) no other Call has been made during the same week; and (c) no Revolt has been successful for the previous thirty days. As soon as possible after a valid Call for Revolt has been submitted, the Registrar shall perform the following events in order: (a) select a random integer from 1 to the number of players (plus 1 if a player bears Miscreant); (b) if the selected number is less than or equal to the number of rebellious players (plus 1 if a rebellious player bears Miscreant), then: (1) announce that the Revolt succeeds; (2) expunge the blots of each rebellious player; (3) grant the ephemeral patent title Rebel Hero to each rebellious player; (4) set the initiative of each abiding player to Goethe, and return all stock cards held by abiding players to the Deck; (5) retire each abiding electee from office; and (6) flip each rebellious player's orthodoxy to abiding; otherwise: (1) announce that the Call for Revolt has failed; (2) assess each rebellious player 2 blots; and (3) assess the Agitator an additional 2 blots. The effects of a Call for Revolt shall be based on the orthodoxy of players at the time the Call was submitted. The Registrar shall notify the Herald of all blots gained or expunged as a result of this rule, and is empowered to perform the actions this rule would require em to perform.