On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 01:04, Pavitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 21 November 2008 12:45:57 pm Roger Hicks wrote:
>> I apologize in advance for the glut of spam that is about to hit
>> the list from my automated recordkeeping system, and I promise to
>> think about fixing this problem Real Soon Now (TM).
>> BobTHJ
> You might consider temporarily rerouting its output to (say) a-d, to
> prevent a huge bunch of wildly incorrect but pragmatically effective
> random changes to asset holdings. Unless all that stuff was actually
> supposed to happen, in which case you might consider adding
> annotations to the output indicating things like "for harvesting Rule
> 101".
Yes it was supposed to happen, and it is fixed now. Each
auto-generated action will now be accompanied by a reason (see the
last couple auto-generated mails). In addition, if there are multiple
events queued the system will send them all out in one e-mail instead
of a separate mail for each one.


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